Celebrity Nutritionists Weight Loss Tips: Holiday Edition

Who do you think are the best people to ask about weight loss tips? Your girlfriends? Your doctor? Your neighbor? NO! The best people to give you that answer is going to be your nutritionist and if you don’t have one–you could have one of the celebrity nutritionists give you top advice–after all–they have to keep our stars in tip-top shape so you know they know their stuff!

What celebrity nutritionists can tell you about weight loss:

We will make this a holiday edition since it is the holiday season!

The first thing you have to watch is those fated holiday parties. You can work your way around them like the celebs do in a few easy steps.

The first diet killer is the appetizers that get put out or worse yet, passed around and brought to you on one of those little silver trays. There is a way to actually enjoy these little starters without busting the diet. The first thing you have to understand is staying away from the fried stuff is the key–no fried food. Normally there will be peel and eat shrimp and fruit and vegetables. These are the foods that you need to partake in before the main meal and if you party hop then two starters per party maximum and of the lowest calories–yep that is what the stars do.

The bonus tip here is to eat a healthy snack prior to the party. You won’t have hunger pangs for the rest of the night and your brain won’t let you overeat.The next thing to know from the celebrity nutritionist is you have to keep that body moving so dance the night away any chance you can get!

Take control of the situation whenever you can:

If you have a pot luck then make enough low carb and low cal for you and to share! Vegetable platters are always good but watch what you use for a dip because that is a calorie killer too.

Another bonus tip from celebrity nutritionists is you can take a good diet pill a week prior to the party time to lose a few extra pounds and this way, you can be a little more generous on the eating. If you lose 3 extra and gain 2-3 it won’t matter and you would have still had fun!

Author: Callie Lake

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