How Lisa Lampanelli Lost 100 Pounds

There are some celebrities who have made their way to fame based on the way that they look. Though so many of these celebrities look thin or pretty or even rival super models, that isn’t necessarily the case for everyone. When you think of comedians, for example, part of their job is to make people laugh, and being overweight can actually be fuel for the role. When you are somebody like Lisa Lampanelli who has made a living on making fun of others, then you know that when you are overweight you are putting yourself in the line of fire. She has been made fun of for years for her weight, but all of that changed over the course of the last couple of years.

This is a star who has risen to fame due to the fact that she has a big, crude mouth. This is what her whole comedy routine is based off of, and she was getting tired of others making fun of her for her weight. She fought this battle for so long and finally got tired of feeling horrible about the way she looked because she was so overweight. She decided that enough was enough and that she wanted to do something about it, and her struggle and journey is actually quite admirable. When you lose over 100 pounds, that is something that others are really going to pay attention to and it’s time to understand how she accomplished such a big feat.

Whether you like or dislike Lisa Lampanelli, you can undoubtedly find some motivation and positive sentiments in her weight loss journey. She decided to change her life and not only does she look better than she ever has, but she feels great too. Here is how she lost 107 pounds and how she can motivate others to do the same.

She stopped emotional eating altogether: One of the biggest problems for this comedian was the fact that she turned to food for comfort. She would equate how she found comfort in food the way that an addict may turn to alcohol or substances like drugs. She would turn to food and eat when she felt stressed, depressed, anxious, or just about any other emotion. She identified that this was a problem area for her and she decided that she was done with this. She knew that it caused her to gain weight, and she was ready to make healthy changes once and for all.

She had gastric sleeve surgery: Though the naysayers will always have something negative to chime in about this, she found this to be the step that she really needed in losing the weight once and for all. She had a surgery performed by which part of her stomach was removed. The rest is stapled and this causes a much smaller stomach area overall. She can’t possibly eat what she used to, for there is no room for the food to go. Though not everybody can afford or may even want to go to this extreme method such as Lisa Lampanelli did, it worked well for her and launched the stepping stone to long term weight loss that she has maintained for almost three years now.

She focuses on healthy eating and portion control: You can’t just have this surgery and then go back to living the way that you used to. In her case she focused on eating healthier, and not only eating the right foods but for the right reasons. She knows that it’s all about eating the right foods, but also ensuring that she eats the right amount. Proper nutrition and true portion control are what helped her to be successful, and they are truly what she practices every single day to maintain her success too.

She takes care of herself and really uses a mental component to maintain the weight loss: If you are somebody like Lisa Lampanelli then you know that you have to dig deep and really figure out how to keep this success going for you. She started to really listen to her body and ask if she was truly hungry before she would turn to food. She stopped listening to the critics and maintained a positive attitude to help her along the way, thus overcoming any obstacles. This is how you lose weight and keep that great success for years, and she can actually be seen as a true motivation.

Author: Callie Lake

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