Which of Your Fav Celebs Won’t Lose Weight for a Job?

Won't Lose Weight for a Job - Jennifer LopezWould you be willing to lose weight for a job? In the world of singers, actors and other entertainers, there are often certain expectations that this will happen. Sometimes actors want to play roles in which their characters are slimmer than the real person currently is. That said, there are other times when the entertainment industry simply expects a smaller shape.

While there can be a lot of pressure to lose weight for a job, no matter where you work, here are some celebrities who found success that was not at the expense of their positive body image. Many of us can take a page from the books of these celebs and learn that we all have a healthy weight and shape. We shouldn’t sacrifice our love of ourselves for any reason, including for employment.

Celebrities Who Won’t Lose Weight for a Job


Pink has always shared a strong message of self-empowerment and self-love. Her music states that she isn’t willing to change who she is just to satisfy other people. She wants to be strong, healthy and exactly who she is. In April 2015, she famously tweeted “I’m perfectly fine, perfectly happy, and my healthy, voluptuous and crazy strong body is having some much deserved time off. Thanks for your concern. Love, cheesecake.”

Jennifer Lopez

Earlier in her career Jennifer Lopez would listen to the people who would tell her to try to lose more weight or change herself in other ways. She finally reached the point that she decided to accept herself and her shape. “Everybody I grew up with looked like that, and they were all beautiful to me. I didn’t see anything wrong with it. I still don’t!” she once said in an interview with InStyle.


Rihanna has a body type with weight that fluctuates up and down quite quickly. That said, while she may pay attention to what clothing she wears to reflect her body shape at the time, she accepts who she is. She will not lose weight for a job, but instead simple honors the way she looks in the moment and selects her outfit based on the day.

Zooey Deschanel

“I’ve always gone my own course and never been someone who had the need to be super skinny,” said the actress in a Cosmo interview. She underscored that she is pleased with the way she looks. She doesn’t believe that slimmer is necessarily more beautiful. Instead, she focuses on health.

Author: Callie Lake

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