Mel B Fitness Secrets: How She Slims Down

Formerly referred to as Scary Spice of the pop group, the Spice Girls, Mel B has now made headlines for her amazing weight loss and fitness routine. And even though she is a mother to two beautiful children, she has not sacrificed her sexy body along the way. It has been reported that she lost a total of 42 pounds in just two months, thanks to a strict exercise program, and she was recently featured as a lingerie model and has even created her very own fitness DVD so that others can get in on the Mel B fitness secrets.

Continue reading to learn a bit more about how Mel B has managed to stay so slim and so toned.

A Variety of Approaches
One of the top Mel B fitness secrets is the fact that she uses a few different methods that help her stay in awesome shape. She recommends this approach because it more easily leads to long-term fitness because you avoid boredom by always doing something different. Remember, different routines challenge your body in new ways, but becoming bored with a routine could cause you to fall off your fitness track altogether.

Mel B’s Preferred Workouts
For Mel B, it is all about finding the right balance between a variety of workout routines that include dance workouts, kickboxing or boxercising, yoga, abdominal crunches, and weight training.

What to Eat
A diet that is carefully planned out is yet another one of the Mel B fitness secrets that you can add to your own weight loss plan. She focuses on consuming 30% protein, 40% vegetables and whole wheat, and 30% healthy fats.

Mel B also makes it a point to consume protein shakes every morning for breakfast because these help to boost her metabolism. In turn, her body naturally burns more fat, and she also gets the energy that she needs to lead an active lifestyle. The right protein shake will fuel your muscles and regrow and repair any muscles that you have pushed to the limit during your workouts, further boosting your metabolism, burning calories and fat, and helping you slim down more quickly and easily.

If you want to follow in Mel B’s footsteps and achieve better health while slimming down for good, you can follow her tips above. You can also incorporate a product like Phentramin-D to your diet and exercise routine, as it will help you shed pounds even more easily.

Author: Callie Lake

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