These Nutritionists for Celebrities Share Their Favorite Foods

If there’s one thing that is popular right now, it’s trying to eat the same way as nutritionists for celebrities. After all, when we see the way celebrities look, it’s great to find out who has advised them and how they eat so we can take advantage of that expensive success without having to be millionaires.

The following are some of the top nutritionists in the industry who are known for recommending foods and eating strategies to top celebs. That said, this isn’t what they tell other people to eat. These foods and eating styles are how the nutritionists for celebrities are eating on a regular basis. It also includes some of their very favorite foods for huge flavor but with a nutrient packed punch.

Consider what these nutritionists for celebrities have to say about eating right:

· Lisa DeFazio, MS, RD – She is considered to be a healthy lifestyle and eating expert. She balances great tastes and textures with a powerhouse of nutrition. For instance, she absolutely loves having a coffee in the morning and has worked it into a healthful gradual wake-up routine in the morning. She combines it with vanilla almond milk to enjoy an experience like a vanilla latte, without any of the guilt. She also condones listening to your own body for what is right for you. For instance, she doesn’t like breakfast. She’s not hungry and doesn’t find food appealing first thing in the morning. Therefore, she waits until she’s hungry to eat. Smoothies and ready-made fresh juices instead, to make sure she does get her carbs in the morning, fending off fatigue.

· Elissa Goodman – She is a certified holistic nutritionist who owns two healthy eating restaurants in LA. She absolutely loves to focus on vitamins and minerals but also antioxidants, phytochemicals and probiotics. Among her favorite recipes is a green juice she drinks on a regular basis, including romaine, cucumber, celery, ginger, lemon and turmeric.

· Dr. Frank Lipman – Doctor of integrative and functional medicine, health book author and founder of a wellness center, he has worked with several celebs well known for being highly focused on their health. His favorite breakfast consists of avocado, MCT oil, blueberries, greens powder and chocolate whey protein powder. He loves it because of its extremely high nutrient density while still tasting like it’s a rich dessert. He also focuses on eating lots of greens throughout the rest of the day.

Author: Callie Lake

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