Does Celebrity Weight Loss Inspire the Rest of Us? Maybe Not!
Many people feel that celebrity weight loss stories should be inspirational. These are people who manage to turn their weight struggles around while the entire world watches. We see the tabloids troll them when they gain and feel their victories when they lose. That said, as much as celebrity weight loss seems as though it should help the rest of us to reach our own goals, that does not appear to be the case. A number of small studies...
Top Nutrition Tips You Can Learn from the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders may be known for their fitness and looking great in their costumes, but their lifestyle can also offer some top nutrition tips. After all, these women may be slim, but they also need to be very strong. They are highly active athletes and their trainers make sure they eat right to achieve their goals. Source of Their Top Nutrition Tips One of the newest trainers to join the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders is...