What Lean Celebrities Like to Eat for Breakfast

What Lean Celebrities Like to Eat for Breakfast

Everyone says the most important meal of the day is breakfast and it is for more than one reason. Breakfast sends the right signal to your brain to tell your body you aren’t starving, and it’s perfectly fine to burn fat from last night and of course all day long. That means there is no reason to starve your body all day long and conserve all the fat you eat for the next week. Many believe that this is one of several contributing...

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Biggest Celebrity Weight Loss Stories

Biggest Celebrity Weight Loss Stories

We all need role models when it comes to weight loss so it’s natural to seek the biggest celebrity weight loss stories. After all—they need to do it and do it well. Here we will cover a few very familiar names and let you in on their weight loss secrets. The Biggest Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets Star Jones This lady really went through some incredible transformations as far as weight loss was concerned. She lost at least 150 pounds in...

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Celebrity Tips for Busy Schedule Fitness

Celebrity Tips for Busy Schedule Fitness

Celebrities are the epitome of folks with a busy schedule fitness strategy. They tend to know how to fit it all in though. There are many little ways you can fit ways to have a fitness routine with a busy schedule. It might sound overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. Celebs Know About Busy Schedule Fitness Strategies If there is anyone who would have all the tips about busy schedule fitness programs, it’s definitely...

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Is an OTC Supplement a Safer Version of Phentermine?

Is an OTC Supplement a Safer Version of Phentermine?

Looking for a safer version of Phentermine? You are far from alone.  While that prescription obesity drug has been around for decades and has helped millions of patients to lose weight, it is also well known for its drawbacks.  From side effects to withdrawal symptoms, that medication isn’t simply an easy path to watching fat miraculously disappear.  Not to mention the fact that it isn’t appropriate for everyone. The Hunt for a Safer...

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How Celebrities Stay Lean Over the Holidays

How Celebrities Stay Lean Over the Holidays

The holidays aren’t just about families for celebrities. It is all about the party after party after party and more food and alcohol than you can imagine. So, you wonder why you are gaining 10 extra pounds while celebrities stay lean over the holidays. How Celebrities Stay Lean 1. The timing is everything: The weeks before the holiday party binge is everything to a celebrity and if they are about to get on the set again after it’s all...

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